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From ICU to Ashtanga

Francine Yee is one of our many dedicated yoga practitioner who has experienced a remarkable transformation through Ashtanga Mysore. She began Mysore practice since October 2023, despite facing significant health challenges, she has persevered and found healing in the practice. Her journey from a beginner to a confident yogi is inspiring, and she shares her experiences to encourage others to explore the benefits of Ashtanga Mysore.

Francine Yee

Metta Studio: What was your yoga experience level before starting Ashtanga Mysore?  

Francine: I have attended Gentle Hatha, Hot Hatha and Trapeze 1 all at beginner level.

Metta Studio: How did you find the Mysore method's self-practice format compared to other yoga styles you have experienced?

Francine: In Mysore, I can clearly identify my weakness in certain poses and could spend more time improving it. I need to know and remember all the poses and decide my own timing of each pose. I think this format would prepare us to be independent and connect us to Yoga when we couldn’t attend class. Besides, I could improve a particular pose as I could remember my own progress during every practice session. It's also like an affirmation that we are improving and keep going.

Metta Studio: What were the biggest challenges you faced in those first months of practice?

Francine: I had difficulties in completing most of the poses, especially balancing poses. I also struggled to complete each session and had a phobia to attend Mysore. I had once thought about giving up on Mysore.

Metta Studio: Did you experience any physical milestones or improvements in strength or flexibility (or any other changes) ever since starting Ashtanga Mysore? If yes, share your most significant improvements. 

Francine: I experienced a severe incident 11 years ago, I had excessive bleeding, my womb was removed and landed in ICU for 6 days, several months bed-ridden. I experienced temporary kidney failure, temporary memory lost and immune system disorder. My right ankle had a big and deep wound. My doctor commented that I could never regain my health more than 70% compared to previous.

My daily life has been greatly affected ever since. I’m not fit to even carry out simple physical activity. I have constant chest pain, urinary incontinence, a bloated stomach, always felt sick, and I have had a phlegm for 11 years. These symptoms are unable to be treated with medicine or vitamins. Ashtanga Mysore is the cure. Initially I just wanted to sustain an exercise which I could do constantly and improve ‘a bit’ of my health. Then, suddenly most of my health problems disappear. The practices actually replenish lost energy and life force to my body. I felt that the more effort I give to practice Ashtanga Mysore, the more strength it gives back to me. My breath quality has improved and I’m more conscious of my breathing.

Metta Studio: How did you manage any frustrations or plateaus you might have encountered?

Francine: I would calm myself down and start to analyze my practice, whether i have put in my best effort, whether the pose is due to I'm not strong enough or I'm doing it the wrong way. I told myself to be patient and remind myself to always attend the class, not to compare and force myself, always listen to what the instructor advises.

Metta Studio: Did you notice any changes in your mental well-being or stress levels after several months of consistent practice?

Francine: Yes. I could now control my temper, calm myself down easily. I'm a lot more patient now, I even improve in my meditation and I am content and satisfied with my life. I am also able to find the cause of my emotional disturbance and comfort myself to let go.

Metta Studio: How did you find the Mysore environment (multiple students practicing at their own pace) in your first month?

Francine: I was a bit nervous as I wasn't sure whether to follow others or to do my own. I was doubtful about the timing of each pose too.

Metta Studio: Would you recommend Ashtanga Mysore to others? If so, why?

Francine: Yes. Ashtanga Mysore is a valid way to improve health, be it physically or mentally. Ashtanga Mysore is like a personalized exercise to fit our body and strength level. It strengthens the part of the body that we are weak at. For each posture, we can do it at our own level and improve each time we practice. I’m really blessed that I started Yoga practice with Metta Studio. Their proper guidance, encouragement, the soft yet firm approach, the experienced instructors had definitely made my yoga journey easier and meaningful.

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