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How Yoga Helped Me Heal After a Health Setback

As we approached Christmas in 2023, I woke up one morning to find a flurry of floaters dancing in my right eye. It was a familiar scenario; I had experienced something similar with my left eye years ago. But this time felt different. My first visit to the doctor left me with unanswered questions, but within less than a week, I began seeing shadows in my vision. Panic set in as I made my way back to the doctor, and the diagnosis was alarming: my retina had detached.

In that moment, a wave of anxiety crashed over me. My mind raced with questions, each one spiraling into a rabbit hole of fears. Why was this happening? What had I done to deserve this? An emergency surgery was scheduled, and suddenly, I found myself needing to put everything on hold—my teaching, my practice, my life as I knew it.

What I initially saw as a setback turned into a forced downtime that came out of the blue. It was bizarre because I had always considered myself a calm and chilled person. Yet, I quickly realized I wasn’t as serene as I thought. The chaos of my mind revealed a different truth about myself, and I had no choice but to confront it.

Post-surgery, I was instructed to lay still in specific positions for a couple of weeks to allow my eye to heal. As I rested, I found myself unable to practice the physical aspect of yoga - asana. However, during this time, the other limbs of yoga began to amplify in my life. I turned to these principles and found solace and strength.

Ahimsa (Self-Compassion)

I learned the importance of being kind to myself during this challenging time. Instead of pushing through discomfort or brushing aside my fears, I embraced a practice of self-compassion. I allowed myself to feel anxious and afraid without judgment, recognizing that these feelings were valid.

Pranayama (Breath Connection)

With limited physical activity, I focused on deepening my connection to my breath. Each inhale became a reminder of life’s beauty and each exhale, an opportunity to release tension and worry. This practice anchored me in the present moment and provided a sense of calm amidst uncertainty.

Satya (Truthfulness)

I was forced to confront my true feelings instead of masking them. Honesty about my emotional state became essential. I began journaling my thoughts and fears, giving voice to what I was experiencing. This procedure brought a sense of liberation and enabled me to embrace my situation with an open mind and heart.

Aparigraha (Patience, Acceptance, and Non-Attachment)

The experience taught me the virtues of patience and acceptance. I had to let go of my attachment to my usual routines and the expectation of quick recovery. Each day became an opportunity to practice acceptance, understanding that healing takes time and that I must honor my body’s needs.

Through this unexpected journey, I’ve experienced subtle yet profound shifts in my life. Rather than spiraling downwards into despair, I found clarity and strength through yoga. The principles I’ve embraced have reshaped my understanding of well-being, emphasizing that it’s not just about physical postures but about nurturing the mind and spirit as well.

As I reflect on this experience, I’m grateful for the lessons learned. Yoga has been my anchor, guiding me through uncertainty and teaching me to surrender to the flow of life. While the path hasn’t been easy, it has undoubtedly made me a better person—one who embraces the beauty of vulnerability and the power of resilience.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that setbacks can be opportunities for growth. Lean into your practice, whatever form it may take, and allow the other limbs of yoga to support you. Embrace self-compassion, connect with your breath, speak your truth, and cultivate patience. You may discover a newfound clarity and strength that will carry you through life’s challenges.

Have you experienced a setback (major/minor) that threw your routine off? How did you handled it? Share with me the next time we meet.

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