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It's so awkward

Are you used to the typical yoga classes where the teacher leads every move?

It’s time to explore the path less traveled: self-paced. It might seem a bit awkward and intimidating at first, especially if you're set in your ways, but trust me, the benefits are totally worth it, and in the long run your body will thank you for it.

Why Ashtanga Mysore Approach is What You Need

1. Go at Your Own Pace: Mysore approach lets you practice at your own speed, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned yogi. You'll get personalized attention and adjustments that suit your unique progress.

2. Build Independence: Instead of relying on the teacher’s instructions all the time, Mysore approach teaches you to tune into your own body and mind. Over time, you’ll gain confidence and become more self-reliant in your practice.

3. Whole-Body Growth: This method isn’t just about physical poses. By learning the sequence, you engage your mind, improve focus, and build patience. It’s a holistic approach that benefits your overall well-being.

Bonus Benefit: If you're travelling for work or extended holiday - practice anywhere 

Another great thing about Ashtanga Mysore yoga is that wherever you go in the world, you’ll find a studio practicing the same method. This consistency makes it easy to maintain your practice, no matter where life takes you. Here are some Ashtanga Mysore studios from neighboring countries. Check out their IG Reels here:

Common Concerns Answered

“Why do I need to memorize? It’s so difficult!”

Memorizing the sequence helps deepen your practice. It lets you focus inward, creating a meditative flow where you’re fully in tune with your body and breath - which what yoga essential is! Yes, it might seem tough at first, but it’s a gradual process, and you'll get better bit by bit.

“What if I can’t remember the sequence?”

No worries! No one expects you to remember everything right away. You’ll start with a few poses and add more as you get comfortable. Plus, the teacher is always there to help if you forget a step.

“I’m self-conscious and worried about what others think of me.”

In a Mysore class, everyone is focused on their own practice. The room is supportive and non-judgmental, and everyone is at different stages of their journey. People are more concerned with their own progress than watching you.

"I feel intimidated...”

Yoga has never been (or will ever be) a competition or comparison practice, and that said, Mysore approach isn’t a competition class either. There’s no pressure to be in a specific way or keep up with others. Everyone practices at their own level and pace, making it a welcoming environment for beginners and seasoned yogis alike.

In short, trying the Ashtanga Mysore approach can transform your yoga journey. It fosters personal growth, independence, and a deeper understanding of your practice. Don’t let the fear of memorization or self-consciousness hold you back—it will come with time and practice. Step out of your comfort zone and experience the powerful benefits of Mysore yoga. You’ll be glad you did!

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