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Why did you start yoga?

When I first started yoga many moons back, it was simple: I wanted to stretch, relax, and maybe work up a sweat. Nothing more. The idea of doing challenging postures? Nah, I wasn’t interested. “I’m not flexible enough, I’m not strong enough, it’s too difficult.” Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing: why was I holding myself back? Why are *we* so quick to say, “That’s not for me”? It’s almost like we’ve already decided what we can or can’t do, long before we’ve even tried. This shows up not just on the mat but everywhere in life, betul tak?

We stick to what feels comfortable. We choose what’s easy, convincing ourselves that it’s enough. But by doing that, we keep bumping up against the same walls —avoiding the tough stuff, steering clear of what challenges us, both physically and mentally.

But here’s the truth I’ve learned: it’s in those hard moments, those “I can’t do this” thoughts, where the real growth happens. The mat teaches you that showing up, even when it’s uncomfortable, is the only way forward. It is in those uncomfortable, challenging spaces—the ones we avoid—where we often find the breakthroughs we need most.

So, ask yourself, what are you really avoiding? And why?

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